Saturday, March 4, 2017

Thesis Throes

Hi everyone! I don’t want to swamp you with too many blog posts too close together, so I’m going to post these on Saturday mornings instead of Friday mornings from now on. If you haven’t yet, be sure to check out my new website at – posts on Tuesdays and Thursdays! But for now, time to catch up on two weeks of news.
Not a terrible lot has happened. Spring Break is not this coming week, but the week after that, which means that my thesis is due this coming week (aaahhh!). So that’s been a large part of the last few days and will probably be about all of the next couple of days. I’ve been having trouble contacting two of my three readers (graders), so I’m just now getting a lot of their feedback, which means I’m much more rushed than I usually am leading up to these, but I have plenty of hot tea and a weekend to finish, so hopefully this marathon will end well.
Speaking of marathons, I did go running a few days ago around Fresh Pond. It was chilly, but I warmed up soon enough, and I realized I’m much more in shape than the last time I went running there; I was barely winded. We’re getting into that ambiguous part of spring where it’s either just warm enough to survive in short sleeves or just cool enough to survive in a jacket, depending on the day. Somehow, I always guess wrong, but my run took care of the cold everywhere except my ears. I’m still enjoying weightlifting as well. I did kickboxing yesterday and managed to hurt my ankle (both of them, actually), and I’ve been a little under the weather lately, but it’s not slowing me down too much.
What else has happened? We had our Joint Service Ball (Army, Navy, and Air Force from our side of the river – MIT as opposed to BU) last night. It was at a hotel just a few minutes away from my dorm, which was very exciting – nothing ever happens near my dorm; I always have to take a taxi. The guest speaker was the former Secretary of the Navy, Ray Mabus, which was pretty cool (he’s a Harvard Law School grad). All the seniors were announced with our service assignments, and afterwards we went over to someone’s room at Harvard and hung out a while. It was our last Military Ball at Harvard, and we had a pretty good time.
That’s really about all that’s happened; I’ve mainly been consumed with my thesis, a few more minor written assignments, starting my website (hint hint!) and a good bit of Netflix thrown in for good measure. I would explain my thesis to you, but according to my advisors, I still haven’t figured out how to do that clearly, so I’ll wait until next week and spent most of my pre-Spring Break post laying it out for you.
I am over 90% done with my college career – isn’t that strange? I’m not exactly entering real life – the Navy is kind of a world of its own – but I’m definitely preparing to start something new. People keep asking me if I’m excited, but honestly, I’m not really sure. For one thing, nothing is going to happen for a while yet; I’m sure I’ll be able to muster up the appropriate level of stress when the time comes. For another thing, I’m usually excited when I’m about to begin things, and while I’m sure there will be plenty of projects to begin later, the idea that I’m going into the Navy is so old by now it’s a matter of course.

Finally, I’m kind of nervous about moving out into the world (as I suppose I should be). I’ve been doing just about the same thing for the past 16 years of my life, and now I’m entering a completely new environment where I need to perform well. It’s a tad stressful. But I suppose that’s what makes it fun. Until next week, then – wish me luck on my thesis!


Still working out!
 This is an ad for my church, as well as one of my favorite quotes, on the wall of the T station:
 You can generally tell the state of my life by the state of my bed - in this case, both are still reasonably organized, but slightly out of control.
 Fresh Pond on a gorgeous spring (technically, still winter) morning:

 I was walking across the Yard when it hit me again just how lucky I am to be at this place.
 Joint Service Military Ball (or JSMB, because acronyms):

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