Friday, February 24, 2017

And Now for Something Completely Different...

First of all, I would like to admit that I’m a little frightened of doing this. I don’t like doing things unless I’m sure they’re going to work, and I especially don’t like admitting that I want them to work unless I’m sure they will. That’s one of the reasons I usually don’t tell people about things until I’ve finished with them. But this, by its nature, I can’t do without other people. So this is me asking for help.
More clearly put, this is my announcement that over the past week, I’ve started both a website and a YouTube channel. The website is here, and the YouTube channel is here. I would of course appreciate it if you’d go check them out, subscribe, comment, like, recommend, and etc., but first let me explain what they are and why I started them.
Truth – living, active, truth that influences people’s lives – is the great passion of my life; I am wholly devoted to it. I believe that belief influences our actions, our attitudes, and our behaviors. I believe that right belief can give meaning, purpose, and vitality to life, and that wrong belief can sink you into a pit so deep, you can’t find a way out. I believe that truth is more than logic, it is living; it is not only right thinking, but right feeling; not only right judgment of the world, but right reaction to it. It’s hard to describe how I feel about this, but it is the center and driving force of my entire life, and it is inextricably caught up in He who claimed to be the way, the truth, and the life combined in one.
Nothing makes me more angry than the spread of willful ignorance – that is, people who don’t bother thinking out what they believe. They just believe whatever sounds nice to them, even if it’s completely nonsensical, and then they talk about it until other people start to believe this, too. I don’t just think these beliefs are wrong; I think they cause actual harm to people. And it makes me angry that there are so many misconceptions being perpetrated in society, that we can never get to the truth, the truth that we need to be truly human, because we can never have an honest conversation without its getting clouded in thousands of fallacies and rabbit trails.
It is not my nature to speak up about things the instant they annoy me, because I need to be sure that I’m in the right. My mother will tell you that even when I was little, whenever I entered a new environment, I would just sit and watch everything until I knew how it worked, and then I would suddenly jump in and be completely confident. I still operate this way.
For the past four and, to some extent, the past eight years, I have been sitting and watching: watching our culture, watching our institutions of higher learning, watching how people interact and think about the important questions of life, watching Texas and Massachusetts, Ireland and Israel. I have listened from the boxing gym of Boston to the bazaar of Jordan, from the faculty club of Harvard to the dive bar of New York. Harvard and I disagree on a great many things, but for the past four years I have sat in near-silence and I have listened, and I have thought, and I have waited. And now I am done waiting; something has awoken inside of me, and it is time to start speaking.
So this is where I’m starting. First, I have started a YouTube channel, in which I point out inconsistencies and inanities in the philosophy of movies and TV shows. I’m starting small at the moment; you won’t find much there yet. But I do this by second nature; I regularly startle people in restaurants by picking apart the lyrics of songs they hadn’t even noticed were playing. (Eg – “Say you’ll see me again, even if it’s just in your wildest dreams?!” If I just broke up with you, you keep your wild dreams away from me, thank you very much.)
To me, this nonsensicality in movies/TV shows/music/etc. represents a larger trend in the world, the idea of saying things that sound nice, even if they don’t make any sense, because we can’t be bothered to think seriously about the larger questions in life. So I am calling these movies’ bluff; they don’t know what they’re talking about (not to say that I don’t still really like some of them). Warning: I’m an extremely sarcastic person when I want to be.
Secondly, I am starting a website, centered around a second blog. This one isn’t about me; it’s about issues in society, things I think we’ve gotten backwards or upside-down, because we’ve forgotten to go back and check our premises, and so our deductions are wrong. The blog will include commentary on movies, generally linked to my YouTube videos, as well as thoughts on current events and where they’re really coming from – ie what is the debate over abortion really about? What are we disagreeing on, and can we resolve these differences? What assumptions are we making, and why? And it will include a little gratuitous philosophy; I am majoring in it, after all.
Finally, I have published a short ebook – the Idrealist (yes, that is spelled correctly) which you can either buy on Smashwords, or receive for free by subscribing to my blog. This, more than anything else, is my response to the past four years of listening; I wrote it in less than a week, but it’s the product of months and years of thoughts finally coming together in a cohesive form. Harvard taught me a lot of things, but it taught me more by the things it left out than by anything else. So please pick up a copy!

And that concludes my little aside blog on my projects: website, YouTube, ebook. It makes me nervous to launch them, because I really don’t understand how internet dynamics work, and I’m rather afraid I’m going to fall on my face. But if I do, I’ll just dust myself off and get up again; it would hardly be the first time. In any case, I’d very much appreciate your help and support. I won’t be posting on Facebook every time I put something new on the blog or channel, because my Facebook wall would end up being a long list of notifications. But please subscribe to them so you’ll receive the notifications by email. And if you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know! Thanks for taking the time to read all of this!

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