Saturday, February 11, 2017

Snow and Senioritis

I know, I know, late again. I’m sorry. Senioritis is hitting hard. I’m very good at managing a lot of work, but I’ve completely forgotten how to manage a lot of free time properly. I only really have two modes; I’m either going all-out and super-productive, or I’m doing whatever needs doing and then watching Netflix. Right now I’m in the second mode. This is exacerbated by the fact that a lot of the independent project I’m trying to finish keep being held up – you know how it is, just one thing after another – which means I can’t work on the things I really want to work on.
I have gotten back to working out, although we’ve had heavy snow over the last few days that led to a lot of cancellation with regard to kickboxing and gym closure. Before I left for break, I did something to my left rotator cuff, so I’ve been out of commission for a little while. It’s good to be back. I’m in that lovely stage where I’m comfortably sore (you know what I mean) from working muscles I haven’t worked in a while, without having gotten too out of shape.
We also started ROTC fully again this week, which led to a few adventures. On Monday we had our mock Physical Readiness Test. I was feeling a little under the weather (you feel nauseated, by the way, not nauseous. If you’re nauseas you cause people to feel nauseated.), so I didn’t do the run, but I still maxed the pushups and situps. In Naval Science we’re still doing ethical reasoning 101, so I’m a little bored/frustrated, but at least I’m the one who knows what’s going on for once. I also got to bring in my other major for a 15-minute presentation on the Middle East for ROTC Lab; it was a little crazy (4 years of classes in 15 minutes) but everyone seemed to like it.
Just getting to ROTC lab on Wednesday morning was quite an adventure. I stepped outside my dorm and immediately slipped on the ice. I didn’t fall, but it was a very risky walk to the rental car, which turned out to be entirely iced over (without a scraper in the trunk) and in an unsalted parking lot. Since Anderson and I had never really driven on ice before, we called an Uber. Except that when the Uber showed up, we needed to change the route on the GPS to get there in time, which meant giving the driver directions. And the driver only spoke Chinese – which, shout-out to Anderson, she could speak. So I now know the Mandarin for “yes, go straight!” We did finally arrive – on time, no less! This is why you leave early.
The weather has been crazy over the past few days. MIT cancelled classes on Thursday, although of course Harvard didn’t. Many of the professors did cancel class, though, since they couldn’t get here. Not that I had any classes on Thursday in the first place. I spent the day working on my thesis. I did manage to finish drafting it; now comes the much less enviable task of revising it until it makes sense. All the chapters were written separately over a period of a few months, without my having read them again in between, so fitting them together smoothly is somewhat of a challenge. I keep repeating myself, and sometimes I contradict myself, but we’ll get there eventually. Eventually meaning before next month, when it’s due.

So that’s about what’s going on here. I’m really enjoying my class on Augustine, and my seminary classes are going decently well. One more note – ship selection is next week, so by my next post, I should know where my first assignment will be for the Navy! I promise (barring unforeseen circumstances) I’ll have next week’s post up earlier than this week’s was, so stay tuned for that news. Until then!

Pictures: Very wintry

Somebody went out on the ice.

 This is probably the best indicator of how deep the snow was.

 Jogging back from the gym tonight:

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