Friday, February 17, 2017


Alright, it looks like my blog style is going to have to switch a little bit. I’m not involved in that much at the moment, besides my independent projects, so I don’t have a bunch of activities to list off or classes to discuss (although those are going fine). Instead I guess I’ll talk more about the fewer things I am doing, starting with working out.
I’ve been putting off going to kickboxing lately, for a few reasons. First, it requires walking through the snow and sometimes rain, which is never pleasant. Second, it requires doing something I’m not terribly good at in public, which I avoid whenever possible. I know I need to push through it until I am good at it, and I will, but it makes me less dedicated than I should be. Never fear, though – I paid for these classes, and I will get my money’s worth one way or another. I did have a good session today. I get frustrated, because my muscle memory doesn’t learn nearly as fast as my academic memory, but then I get to kick stuff, and it feels better. I’m also lifting, although I didn’t realize how hard it would be to get up early without ROTC nearly every day to force me into it. I am utilizing the larger gym across the street from my dorm much more, though, which is nice. It has a lot more variety than the little gym in the basement.
I did go out a few times this week: I had ROTC Tuesday and Wednesday morning, for one. Tuesday started with PT: an ab circuit and then run/jog/sprint progressions. Freshman year I hated PT, but the more I get to know the people in the unit, and the better shape I get into, the more enjoyable it is. It ends up being just a nice workout with friends, for the most part, instead of a dreaded part of my morning, although cardio still isn’t my forte. After PT we had class, but I mostly spend class clarifying random points in the discussion, since I already know the concepts. We have class at BU now, which means I have to drive and park in the snow, but also means we have time to stop and get breakfast on the drive over. In lab on Wednesday we had a debate tournament. I’ve noticed that it’s always the freshman and sophomores who make it to the final round; the rest of us... well, I’m just going to stop there.
I’ve also been re-watching a bunch of Marvel Films and nitpicking their philosophy. It’s pretty easy with superhero movies, because people are always soliloquizing into the distance on grand topics, and the villains are always offering some sort of motivation that doesn’t make much sense. I’m okay with the villains that straight-up embrace the role: I want money (Hans Gruber) or I want power (Sauron) or I’m just plain evil (Palpatine) or I’m mad (Loki) or some combination of the above. And you have the occasional bad guy who actually seems to have a point (Magneto, Khan). But usually they have some other sort of motive that they can’t seem to figure out, that makes them the good guy. In any case, I think it’s fun. I do this a lot; I also tend to analyze song lyrics on the radio – which generally confuses people, because they weren’t listening to the radio, and then I make some out-of-the-blue sarcastic comment. But I digress.
Okay, I promise big news: we finally had Ship Selection for Surface Navy, so I know where I’ll be headed after graduation! I’ll go to a couple months of training, and then I’ll be headed to Mayport, Florida and the DDG-80: the USS Roosevelt. Ship Selection was a little strange; at the Naval Academy it’s a big ceremony, so they were trying to do somewhat the same thing for ROTC, but virtual ceremonies are always a little strange. We had the option to do Google Hangouts (audio and video) or just phone calls (audio only). All of us at the MIT unit chose phone calls. Firstly, it’s much easier to fake-scream like there are a lot of people in the room over the phone. Secondly, you don’t accidentally have conversations that ROTC Midshipmen and Instructors all over the country overhear. And thirdly, you don’t have to wear your uniform. What more could you want?

Well, let me know what you think of my new blog format; the paragraphs have certainly gotten longer, if nothing else. I went to kickboxing and got this up before nightfall – I’m going to call today a success!

It's been a little chilly around here.

 I did manage to drive this car.
 If you don't recognize this field, that's because it's not a field; it's Fresh Pond, iced over and snow-caked.

 There was a little space left for the ducks.

 Snow is pretty and romantic... ha!

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