Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Five O'Clock in the Morning and All's Well

It didn’t take long for the school year to get up and running, and I’m well on my way to a (hopefully) productive and fairly enjoyable semester. I mentioned previously that I was implementing a rather complicated new year’s resolution, but I didn’t want to say any more about it until I was more confident it would work. So far, though, it’s functioned very well, so I’ll go into a little more detail.
The most noticeable part of my resolution is the fact that I now go to bed by nine and wake up at five every day. Most of my friends don’t understand how I do this, and it looks kind of extreme written on the page, but I’d wager that I’m actually getting more sleep than most people in the college. I have a regular sleep schedule, for the first time since high school, and it’s actually very restful.
But why five am? The original reason is that I have ROTC four mornings out of five and have to get up early anyway, so I might as well just plan for it and have a sleep schedule. As it turns out, though, at least for now, I really like getting up early, despite not being a morning person. I do it even when I could sleep in, and especially when I don’t have ROTC.
For one thing, if you’re trying to quietly meditate on philosophy or study German, five in the morning is much quieter than one in the morning, as far as the college campus is concerned. For another, your morning study will almost never be interrupted by phone calls or scheduled over for other things (excluding ROTC, of course). I have my free time in the mornings, and by the time I’ve done my Bible study and done some independent study and worked out, I’m about ready to face the world and start the work day. And then I work all day, but I’m done by nine pm. It’s a good system, if I can keep it up.
It’s possible I’m saying so much about my sleep schedule because not much else has happened yet. ROTC has started up – we had our first workout yesterday morning – and I have more responsibility this semester than ever, which makes me very happy, but also very busy with meetings and emails and etc.
Our first activity for ROTC started last week, but MIT doesn’t start classes until today, so our lab only included Harvard and Tufts. I very much enjoyed just being able to walk to lab instead of drive, especially now that all the snow has melted. The main part of ROTC, and my ROTC classes, haven’t actually started yet, though, so I can talk more about that next week.
I did figure out, after a lot of vacillation, what my final class at Harvard will be. I’m taking “Ethics of Atheism,” which is actually in the German department, and studies the ethical theories Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud (in English). In the lecture last week, the professor spent the better part of two hours defining “ethics” and “atheism.” I can’t say his definitions were terribly clear to me, but it looks to be an interesting class.
Directly after my class on atheism, I have my weekly Bible study meeting, which I’m looking forward to starting today. I’m also continuing my participation in the worship team with Christian Impact, which also starts today (everything seems to start today). Tuesdays are my busy afternoons, but they’re also the one day I don’t have ROTC in the morning, so it balances out.
What else has been happening? In Arabic we’re discussing conspiracy theories in order to practice new vocabulary and grammar structures. The first week of Arabic wasn’t my finest hour, but things are improving, although my extra study of Arabic and my independent study of German tend to get in each other’s way. On the bright side, the words are pretty easy to tell apart.

Overall, I’ve had a very industrious past week; we’ll see if I have time or energy to maintain this level of productivity once the rest of my classes start and I have to concentrate on the quotidian. Still, new projects and responsibilities give me energy, and I have quite a few going right now, so maybe I’ll make it through without falling off the wagon entirely. Have a lovely week, and best of luck to all our New Year’s resolutions!

Pictures: I'm having problems with my computer, so I couldn't manage to get many uploaded this week. Sorry!

Textbooks: also known as passive-aggressive book placement 101

 One of the dining halls in the River Houses.
 I went to walk by the lake this weekend. A good part of it was frozen.

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